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Becoming a Surrogate: Is Surrogacy the Right Choice for You?

Hatch Fertility
Written by Hatch Fertility

Why Do I Want to Become a Surrogate?

Your motivation in becoming a surrogate is the most crucial factor in how your surrogacy experience will be.

The fact that you are considering offering your time, energy, and body for a couple to have a baby, shows that you are generous and compassionate. If your sole purpose in becoming a surrogate is to help a less-fortunate family, then you’re likely a good social candidate for surrogacy.

Yes, surrogates do receive compensation. And while that is one perk of the arrangement, the money should not be your only reason for wanting to carry a child for another family. In fact, most women who have completed surrogacy say that a sense of pride is the best outcome.

It’s a huge accomplishment to grow a baby for a family who desperately wants one of their own.

Am I Healthy Enough?

One of the first steps to becoming a surrogate is to determine whether you are healthy enough to carry a baby. You will need to get approval from a physician before you can commit to being a surrogate.

If you previously were able to carry and birth a healthy baby, and if your pregnancy didn’t have any complications, chances are you’ll be able to pass the medical screenings.

The agency will review your medical evaluations and your past medical records to determine if you are a good candidate.

Do I Meet Agency Requirements?

Every agency has its own requirements a woman must meet to become a surrogate. This is to ensure the safety of the baby and the surrogate. We want to make sure every woman has the best possible chance of having a healthy and successful pregnancy.

These qualifications include:

  • Humanitarian motivation
  • US Citizen or Legal Resident
  • Between the ages of 21-40 (for repeat surrogates age limit is flexible)
  • Must have already given birth to a child
  • Normal height/weight ratio BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Stable healthy lifestyle
  • Financially stable
  • Physically and psychologically healthy
  • No reproductive problems
  • History of healthy pregnancies with no complications
  • Non smoker
  • No current use of drugs or excessive alcohol
  • Not using Depo-Provera
  • Regular menstrual cycles
  • Willingness to take hormone injections
  • Willingness to allow intended parents to make medical choices
  • Willingness to allow intended parents to participate in the pregnancy/birthing experience
  • Dependable, mature, and able to keep appointments 
  • A person who has a kind and caring heart and wants to help a loving family

A surrogate  needs to be at a healthy BMI. We know that gaining weight is part of pregnancy, but it’s essential that a woman is at healthy weight before she gets pregnant.

A BMI over 32 can have adverse effects on your pregnancy including diabetes and high blood pressure.


It’s no surprise that we only accept surrogates who are non-smokers.

Smoking increases the risk of miscarriages, low birth weight and the odds of having sudden infant death syndrome.

Studies have also shown that nicotine prevents a baby’s brain and lungs from developing.

Only mothers who have healthy habits will be considered for surrogacy.

Am I Ready to Commit?

Being a surrogate  is a long-term commitment. Are you ready to commit to a year or more to the process?

Aside from the nine months it takes to grow a baby, you will also need to attend appointments, communicate with the intended parents often, and be willing to take injections. Also, there may be the possibility that you’ll end up carrying twins -- which can be even more taxing and may even include bed rest.

Do I Have a Good Support System?

Surrogacy is emotionally challenging. You need to be sure that you have a sound support system in place to help with the challenges that come from carrying a baby for another family.

Surrogacy is a beautiful gift, but before committing you’ll need to make sure you discuss the decision with your partner. They will need to be there for emotional support every step of the way. Also, think about how you’ll talk about your surrogacy with your own children.

Becoming a Surrogate

If you enjoy being pregnant, are healthy, and have a reliable support system, then becoming a surrogate might be right for you.

Take that first step by contacting us today. We’re here to help you every step of the way. We promise the pride you feel after carrying a baby for a family in need is a reward that can’t be found anywhere else.

Apply To Become a Surrogate