egg donation risks

Top 4 Common Myths About Donating Your Eggs, Disspelled

Hatch Fertility
Written by Hatch Fertility

Simply put, egg donors are angels who make the miracle of parenting possible for many couples. 

Egg donation is an essential part of assisted reproductive technology. Many fertility procedures simply would not work if not for the commitment of donors to provide healthy eggs to those experiencing issues with fertility.

There are certain risks that are associated with the egg donation process, but there are also many rumors surrounding it as well. Before you can make an informed decision about whether to donate or accept a donation, it is essential to know the difference between the two. 

Top 4 Egg Donation Rumors, Dispelled

Below we take a look at some of the most prevalent myths about donating eggs as well as some important facts you should know – on both sides of the procedure. 

Myth 1: Egg Donation Impacts Your Fertility

There are no studies that link egg donation directly to donor infertility.

However, certain aspects of the donation process can cause underlying conditions in the body to worsen. Healthline published an important article on the connection between donorship and fertility that you should read before considering a donation. In this case, the donor experienced problems with her own fertility after producing two children for other families through her donations. Doctors found that hormone treatments given to her during the process caused her underlying condition of endometriosis (which she did not know about) to become more aggressive. 

However, egg donation does not reduce the supply of eggs in a woman's body. By the time a woman reaches puberty, the ovaries will have around 400,000 eggs. Between 15-20 of these eggs mature during every menstrual cycle, and donating does not cause you to lose any more than you would naturally. Your reserves remain untouched.

The donation process is actually identical to the one used by infertile women who freeze their eggs in anticipation of IVF. Additionally, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) asserts that "there are no long-term adverse risks of IVF" or egg donation. If you're still concerned about the long-term impact of egg donation on your fertility or health, contact us with your specific questions! 

Myth 2: Egg Donors Can't Become Pregnant During Treatment 

You absolutely can get pregnant while you are in the egg donation process. If you are thinking of donating, consider that you should abstain from sexual intercourse during that period and up to three weeks after the egg retrieval. This will ensure that the egg retrieval and donation cycle moves ahead as planned and also prevent you from becoming pregnant unexpectedly. 

When you decide to become a donor, you should also refrain from high impact exercises such as running, heavy aerobics, mountain biking, and similar sports. The ovaries will become enlarged during the process, which may cause pain in these activities a few weeks to a month after the egg retrieval. The ovaries should return to their normal size after about one month. 

Myth 3: Being an Egg Donor Is a Full-Time Job

Although it is essential for a donor to attend all appointments and stick to the medication schedule, most women are quite able to continue a normal schedule of work, school and socializing with no major difficulties. The major responsibilities of a donor are to ensure proper transportation to the facility and to be on time for monitoring and retrieval.  

Being an egg donor does not have to stop your life, but it should become a priority. Taking the prescribed fertility medication is essential to your health and the health of the eggs to be retrieved. As such, you may need to reschedule other life events. However, you will have plenty of time to look ahead in your schedule to make this happen! 

Myth 4: Egg Donors Can Get Caught in Complex Legal Situations With Recipients

Many would-be donors believe that they can be caught in a precarious legal position if the recipients change their minds about a pregnancy midway through. This is patently false. The donor process involves first giving up all rights and responsibilities concerning the eggs that you donate as well as the children that are born from them.  

Donors should also take refuge in the fact that the majority of donor arrangements are 100% anonymous. The exception is when the recipient family asks to meet donors as a condition of acceptance and donors agree in writing. Otherwise, the only information that is shared between donor and recipient is non-identifying. 

Didn't See Your Egg Donation Question? 

Check out our egg donation frequently asked questions, or contact us if you're still curious about something. 

At Hatch Egg Donation and Surrogacy, we not only supervise the cycles carefully and support our egg donors 24/7, but we are also consistently in touch with  intended parents throughout the cycle. We make sure that our egg donors are cared for and looked after to give them the wonderful experience they deserve.  Our egg donors also receive the highest compensation and the most meaningful emotional rewards for their cycles, including higher fees for returning egg donors.  

We welcome you to become an egg donor and join our family of SuperDonors. Be represented by the most prestigious egg donor agency in the nation where we provide an expedient matching process with loving intended parents.

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